About the Journal

Aims & Scope

Experimental Biomedical Research is a peer-reviewed, Open Access online journal that publishes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary original research articles, review articles, and brief reports on priority novel research results covering a wide range of experimental and clinical fields in the biomedical sciences.

Open Access statement

Experimental Biomedical Researchis an open access journal and all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

The full text of all content is available for free and open access without delay
1. No embargo period
2. Users are not required to register to read the content.

Copyright and License to Publish

Journal articles are published under the CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ). Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions and agree to make their original works completely available and free to use, copy and/or redistribute in all formats without permission, as long as the authors and the original source are properly cited.

Associate (Section) Editors for EBR

The role of section editors (associate editors) is to guide papers through the peer-review process. Responsibilities and expectations:

  • guide a number of submissions per year through the review/editing process, from initial vetting to decision (i.e. select peer-reviewers, summarize the comments, communicate with the authors, if required, do some scientific editing before the manuscript is forwarded to the copyeditor. Section editors typically define a few topics or keywords and will receive articles which match their interests. At any time they will be able to turn down an assignment.

Peer Review Policy-Process

Manuscript Submission

  • New submission via online system 
  • Cover letter, author and co-author details, manuscript and separate files

Pre- Quality Assessment

  • Plagiarism check
  • Qualification in the English language editing
  • Ensuring that the manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (Experimental Biomedical Research Submission and Publication Checklist) 
  • Sent back to author for approval of edits

Peer Review

  • Double-blind peer review undertaken by experts in the field (2-4 weeks). Experimental Biomedical Research uses an "EBR-Electronic Reviewer's Assessment Form" for peer review.
  • Two reviewers will evaluate each manuscript on the basis of scientific rigor of the experimental design, adequacy of the data, validity of the conclusions, importance and originality of the studies, adequacy of the literature citations, clarity of the presentation, and interest to the Journal's readership. Manuscripts will be given a quality (priority) ranking by each reviewer. Those manuscripts with low priority rankings will not be accepted even though they may have been classed as generally acceptable. If reviewers differ significantly in their opinions, the decision will be based on the priority rankings and/or the opinion of an additional reviewer (arbiter). Normally, revised manuscripts are sent back to the original reviewers together with the authors' responses.

  • The reviewers' comments will be held in confidence except as follows: (a) the reviewers' comments may be sent, in whole or in part, to the corresponding author; (b) after revision, each reviewer's comments will be sent, in whole or in part, to the other reviewers of the manuscript: and (c) in the event that there is a significant difference in opinion between or among the reviewers, the manuscript may be sent to an additional reviewer (arbiter) together with the comments, in whole or in part, of the other reviewers. In all cases, anonymity of the reviewers will be maintained.

Copy Editing

  • Professional checking for the composition and organization (formatting) of the paper against the journal guidelines
  • Reference styling and proof corrections
  • Author’s confirmation of the final edited manuscript before publication
  • In this version, corrections to PDF evidence should be limited to posting errors only, and no significant additions / deletions should be made


  • Accepted article is sent for generating the galley proof
  • Online publication of the manuscript


Advertising policy

"Experimental Biomedical Research" website do not accept advertising in the form of banners or advertorials. Therefore, this web site does not host or receive funding from ads or from the display of commercial content.


Bibliographic  Details

Full Title: Experimental Biomedical Research

Journal Title Abbreviation: Exp Biomed Res

Acronym: EBR

Electronic ISSN number: 2618-6454

Article Identifier-DOI Prefix: 10.30714/

General Category: Medicine, Research & Experimental

Published Language: English

Publication Date: Volume. 1, Issue 1 (2018)-

Publisher: Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Ozturk

Platform: OJS

Frequency: Quarterly  [(Jan-March) / (Apr-Jun) / (Jul-Sep) / (Oct-Dec)] 

Journal Access: Open Access

Articles Format: PDF

Publication charges: There are no submission fees, editorial processing charges, article processing charges (APCs), page charges, colour charges or publication fees for the journal Experimental Biomedical Research.

License and Copyright

              Copyright (c): Author(s)  

              For all licenses, authors retain copyright and full publication rights without restriction.

              Creative Commons License: CC BY

NLM Catalog ID: 9918351167006676 [Serial]

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: (OCoLC) 1117855278

SUDOC Identifier: 224665659

Journal Homepage URL:  http://www.experimentalbiomedicalresearch.com/index.php/ebr/